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Karishma Sajnani

Beginning 20th January, I will be completing a 60 Kilometre coastal trail challenge to raise awareness & funds which will go toward the KELY Support Group's mental health & suicide prevention program. A cause that is very dear to me.

In the recent years, statistics for suicide and mental health has sky rocketed.

In 2021, over 50% of respondents showed signs of depression & according to a latest survey by local universities in 2023, nearly 18% have reported suicidal ideation, and around 8% had made a suicide attempt.

While at the same time, timely help-seeking is rare, due to mental health stigma and limited resources.

Let's make a difference for the youth together.

RAISED HK$1000.00

Goal Amount HK$1000.00
# Name Donation Date Amount
1 Monesh $347.00
2 Monesh $53.00
3 Little bro $600.00